目前分類:若里程碑 (7)

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This is day is the day that made us legal. Eventhough we know that we belonged to each other already way before this day. But this is still a special day which will always stay in our heart. The recording is a short video of our commencement ceremony at a commissionary's house.

maplejune69 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

昨天同事帶來了個從嘉義上來的手工蛋捲, 我只能說, 讚! 他們可是非常跩的. 因為是手工所以限量不多. 而且一天只賣一種口味且天天不一樣. 有排時間表的. 以下是蛋捲蛋捲蛋捲啊!

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Me and Cat

maplejune69 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Me, Cat, Jessica

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著名的小羔羊, 配著養生鍋吃是非常對味的!

maplejune69 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

我的配菜還有主菜 (前面的是主菜, 後面的事配菜). 太大盤, 根本吃不完, 我也小胃...

maplejune69 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

昨天幾個女人約了約去了養生鍋. 全拜Catriona大小姐要求要吃個人涮涮鍋. 我找了又找. 終於覺得有一家新奇又不錯的. Well I still have a thing against eating hot pot in the summer. When I called the restaurant, I especially asked them if they have "super cooling air-conditioning" or not. The funny thing is, they said "Yes and you better bring a little jacket or you might feel cold..." So much for the bragging...

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